Interpreting The I Ching - Hexagram 5 Hsu

Name: Hsu.
Keyphrase: Waiting, Nourishment.
Formed By The Trigrams: Water over Heaven.
General: Do not doubt that the wait is necessary.
Love: If you are in an existing relationship it will enter a happier time, or if single, your relationship will come in due time.
Business: Start your business or continue it if already started, and know that you will succeed.
Personal: Keep your life in perspective and let some of those worries go.
Overview: Hsu relates to patience and waiting. It is a warning not to be hasty and take action that you may later regret, rather you should bide your time and prepare optimally for the changes that are coming. Hone your plans and strategies. Hsu reminds us that periods of waiting are a necessary part of life and that that time is not wasted when you are waiting with the confident knowledge that sooner or later the drought will end.