Interpreting The I Ching - Hexagram 53 Chien

Name: Chien.
Keyphrase: Gradual progress.
Formed By The Trigrams: Wind over Mountain.
General: It is only possible to perfect every detail of advancement when progress is steady and patient.
Love: Deepening your relationship is more likely if you make steady and unhurried progress.
Business: You should take the time to focus on the big and small details of your business.
Personal: Focus on the particulars of your life in order to appreciate its fullness.
Overview: Chien is all about patience and the need to examine the minutiae of life. Progress at this time is assured so do not be anxious if things are not going as fast as you would like. Instead, use this time as an opportunity to make sure that all your bases are covered. Chien tells you that the smaller details in life are very important and that progress will be slow and steady. You can fly over an area in a matter of seconds, but the man who walks through that area will learn much more. Spending time on the smaller details of life will undoubtedly bring rewards in the future.