Interpreting The I Ching - Hexagram 55 Feng

Name: Feng.
Keyphrase: Abundance.
Formed By The Trigrams: Thunder over Fire.
General: Make sure you provide for the future even though you are at the peak of success.
Love: Enjoy and celebrate the success of your relationship.
Business: Even though you are currently very successful make sure you make plans for the future.
Personal: This is a very successful time for you. Make the most of your success for lasting benefits.
Overview: Feng appears when everything is currently very successful. It is a remind that although it is fine to enjoy this period you should not make the mistake of thinking this period will last forever. Everything is transient. Success, like adversity is just as transient. Enjoy this period of life by all means but make plans to provide for the future when times may not be so beneficial. Celebration is appropriate but guard against making foolish decisions. Major success is all too rare to be taken lightly.