Tarot Card Interpretation & Meaning - (19) The Sun
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General: Things in general are very likely to be going very well for you. However, even though finances are likely to be in good shape when this card appears, that does not mean that you should lose focus on what is truly important in life, and money is not very high on that list. This is a good time to socialize, to meet new people, and to get out and about.
Work: If you're looking for a new job, this card can signify that it's right around the corner for you. It's important, no matter what happens, to keep your ego under control and to share any credit for good work with those who work with you even if you did all or nearly all of the work! On the whole, your work is stable and moving toward new opportunities and improvements.
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Love: This is a time, if you are in a committed relationship, when both you and your beloved may be in more than usual need of space. This is not a time to be whiny, clingy, or needy. If you're looking for love - it definitely could be on the horizon for you.
Finances: Money is likely to be much better than usual. Still, hold on to some for unexpected expenses. If you've been waiting on a decision to be made by others it means you won't have to wait much longer and that the decision is very likely to be in your favor.
Health: Your health and feelings of well-being should be at a high point. This is a great time to take some time off if you can and just enjoy life. This is partly mental as well as physical - if you look back you are likely to find that your attitude has been more positive of late too. This can directly affect how well your body works for you. Figure out what you've been doing right and build upon it!
Spirituality: This is a time when you are very likely to be able to see the truth with a capital "T" about life; which is that there is a great deal of beauty, joy and happiness to be found in this life, if you are looking hard enough and in the right places. Spread this very important message. This is a great time to try different spiritual approaches on for size to see if any of them work for you.